Today the International League for Human Rights filed
a complaint along with
The data protection association digitalcourage e.V. (Bielefeld),
The Chaos
Computer Club e. V. (Hamburg),
The League’s vice president and attorney Dr. Rolf
The spokeswomen of the Chaos Computer Club e. V. (Hamburg), Dr. Constanze Kurz,
And the digitalcourage
board members Rena Tangens und padeluun
to the Federal Public Prosecutor
The unfounded mass surveillance of the population as
well as digital espionage conducted by the US’ secret service NSA and other
secret services and presumably linked to violations of civil rights and
criminal law must be judicially inspected and if so, punished.
This may include unlawful intelligence operations,
infringements of the personal and private sphere, data spy outs as well as the
obstruction of justice and punishment in office.
The complaint is filed against the US-American,
British, and German secret services (The Federal Intelligence Service, the
German domestic security agency „Verfassungsschutz“, The Military
Counterintelligence Service) and notably against the responsible persons in
office which were cooperatively involved in the secret service activities and
the boundless, excessive data transmission thus directly and indirectly
contributing to the creation of a global surveillance system.
The complaint is filed against the Federal Chancellor
and the Minister for Internal Affairs which are responsible for the alleged
complicity and aid of the Federal German secret services. It is also filed
against the entire Federal Government as well as against all responsible
predecessors in office of the last two decades.
Vice President Dr. Rolf Goessner on his motivation to join
in filing the complaint:
step is the attempt to rupture the prevalent sense of powerlessness in regard
of the extent of surveillance and the daily discoveries as well as to find the
criminally responsible persons in the Federal Government and the secret
services and to bring them to justice – on the grounds of their close cooperation
and the intense data exchange with the NSA as well as other secret services and
for the sharing of surveillance devices and infrastructure by NSA and the
Federal German secret services – as Edward Snowden recently revealed.“
The disclosure of secret service practices and
structures beyond democratic control has a crucial impact on the effected citizens, associations
of civil society, the state, the society itself and on politics, the economy,
on the essence of basic and civil rights as well as on the awareness and
behavior of humans.
Rolf Goessner: “The
constitutionally granted right to communicate without being surveilled is an
indispensable prerequisite for an open, democratic society – but it is being violated under the current
circumstances of mass surveillance. Despite the fact that the protection of its
citizens along with preventing the erosion of the constitutional democracy itself belong to the
Federal Government's core duties, it has unlawfully refrained from protecting
citizens and enterprises effected by economic espionage from this hostile
President of the League Prof. Dr. Fanny-Michaela Reisin
calls to collectively resist and to support the filed complaint for the
following reasons:
“We urgently need a clarification of the legal
situation of the responsible persons in view of offenses against criminal and
constitutional law – regardless of political interests (in foreign affairs).
For this reason the League has initiated the complaint against the responsible
persons for the mass surveillance along with the Leagues in France and Belgium
under the coordination of its international umbrella organization FIDH in
Our initiative should insistently encourage civil
society to resist the attacks on civil rights and the law currently in place
with all might – before it may be to late. We call for all associations as well
citizens to join in the complaint and to support it publicly!“
more information we call your attention to the attached press release of the
two attorneys Eberhard Schultz and Claus Forrster in Berlin that have drafted
the complaint for the League and in the name of the other complainants.
Contact for
today's Monday
Office of the League
+49 (0) 30 - 396 21 22
Fax: +49
(0) 30 – 396 21 47
E-Mail of Rolf
Schultz & Förster
Fon: +49
(0) 30 43725026 ·
Fax: +49
(0) 30 43725027
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