- RADIO OSAKA, 6300kcs, 15.50hrs, SINPO 4433,4-3
( Soul music at such time )
- RADIO ALTREX, 6284kcs, 15.54hrs, SINPO 24232
( Pop oldies )
- RADIO SKYWIRE, 6325kcs, 16.40hrs, SINPO 3-2,444,3-2
( Pop music )
- RADIO UNDERGROUND, 6240kcs, 17.15hrs, SINPO 3-4,433,3-4
( Dutch music )
- RADIO ZEEWOLF, 6240kcs, 17.55hrs, SINPO 34333
( ID/ Dutch music )
- RADIO CAROLINE/RAINBOW, 6289kcs, 18.34hrs, SINPO 4433,4-3
( Pop oldies and talks )
- UNID ON 6305kcs, 18.55hrs, SINPO 34333
( Pop oldies )
- RADIO TURFTREKKER, 1636kcs, 18.59hrs, SINPO 3-4,434,3-4
( Dutch music )
- RADIO LUXEMBURG, 6300kcs, 19.05hrs, SINPO 44344
( Instrumental music at such time )
- RADIO CALIPSO, 1629kcs, 19.30hrs, SINPO 4-5,444,4-5
( Polca music )
- RADIO CENTRAAL, 1660kcs, 19.34hrs, SINPO 3-2,423,3-2
( Dutch music )
- RADIO RAINBOW INTERN., 3930kcs, 20.25hrs, SINPO 3-2,423,3-2
( Pop oldies and any talks )
- UNID ON 1631kcs, 21.02hrs, SINPO 3-2,424,3-2
( Oldies )

Didn't find a way to send you an email, therefore I am asking a question here: on 5 October I heard a Czech radio station, identifying as Radio City on 6305 kHz. Are they the same station as Radio City FM (Prague)? Do they have any address for reception reports?