Europe between past and future

Jun 26, 2013


The situation of Mr. Edgar Snowden at this moment seems to become changing.

It suggests that WikiLeaks may not assuring more Mr. Edgar Snowden fully his support.

See the following statement of Mr. Baltasar Garzon via Wikileaks :

Further Statement From Baltasar Garzón

Wednesday June 26, 15:00 BST

Madrid, 25 June 2013
This serves to state that the Law firm ILOCAD has decided not to represent Mr. Snowden, whose whereabouts are unknown. We continue to represent Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks as senior legal counsel in the defence of the fundamental right to freedom of information and expression. In this vein, we are satisfied with the recently approved draft resolution by the Committee Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. It states that those who disclose criminal acts in the public interest should be protected from retaliation and persecution from those who commit them.
Baltasar Garzón
Director of ILOCAD S.L. Law Firm
[spanish below]
Informo que el Despacho de abogados ILOCAD ha decidido no asumir la defensa de los intereses del Sr. Snowden, cuyo paradero se desconoce. Por otro lado, continuaremos con la representación del Sr. Assange y de WL en la defensa del derecho fundamental a la libertad de información y de expresión. En esta línea, manifestamos nuestra satisfacción por la reciente aprobación del proyecto de resolución por parte de la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos y Derechos Humanos de la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa, que considera que aquellos que denuncian hechos delictivos en beneficio del interés general deben ser protegidos de las represalias de aquellos que los cometen.
Baltasar Garzón
Director del Despacho ILOCAD S.L.

This statement is in the opposite opinion of the statement of Mr. Garzon at
 24.06.2013 !

Decisive for this could be that Mr. Edward Snowden has decided not to leave Russia in the near future.

( published today ) :

SAYS : " Germany is also spying at foreign countries" :

( Article from today in German language )

"Wir machen das im Ausland selbst"Ex-BND-Chef hält Ausspähungen für legitim

Unter deutschen Politikern ist die Empörung über die Auspähungen durch US-amerikanische und britische Geheimdienste groß. Doch ist sie auch gerechtfertigt? Der Ex-Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes Wieck hält die Überwachungsmaßnahmen vielmehr für eine ganz normale geheimdienstliche Tätigkeit.
Der ehemalige Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, Hans-Georg Wieck, sieht in Ausspähprogrammen des US-amerikanischen und des britischen Geheimdienstes nichts Verwerfliches. "Das sind keine Überwachungsmaßnahmen, sondern das ist ein Beitrag zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus auch in Deutschland", sagte er der "Mitteldeutschen Zeitung".
"Wir machen das in Gestalt des Bundesnachrichtendienstes im Ausland selbst. Da ist nicht mehr Illegales drin als in anderen geheimdienstlichen Tätigkeiten", sagte der Ex-BND-Chef. Es müsse nur vermieden werden, dass der Eindruck entstehe, die gewonnenen Informationen würden gegen andere Länder verwendet. "Es gibt hier einen Bedarf an Vertrauensbildung", fügte Wieck hinzu.
Remember the following commentary from 23-06-2013:

Elmar Theveßen / Quelle: dapd
Jahrgang 1967, ist seit 2007 Leiter der ZDF-Hauptredaktion „Aktuelles“ und stellvertretender Chefredakteur des ZDF

Ach, und schließlich, sehr geehrte Frau Bundesjustizministerin, noch die Frage: Was für Daten sammeln eigentlich französische, spanische und deutsche Geheimdienste in ihrem gemeinsamen Satellitenzentrum in Torrejon, Spanien?

(Article in German )

Was wussten Merkel und Friedrich?

Ohnehin geht man in der Politik davon aus, dass zumindest Merkel und Friedrich in die Abhöraktionen der Briten eingeweiht waren.  Der deutsche Geheimdienstexperte Erich Schmidt-Eenboom sagte im Gespräch , dass der Bundesnachrichtendienst genau darüber Bescheid wisse, was die Partnerdienste leisten. "In Deutschland gibt es das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, die sind zuständig für die Abschirmung der geheimen Regierungskommunikation, die beraten die Industrie in Datenschutzangelegenheiten und dergleichen. Die machen natürlich Bedrohungsanalysen und wissen genau, was die angelsächsischen Dienste können." Diese Informationen würden laut Schmidt-Eenboom im Kanzleramt und im Bundesinnenministerium landen. "Zumindest auf der Ebene der Bundeskanzlerin und des Innenministers ist die Empörung durch und durch gespielt."
Ulrich Weinbrenner, Ministerialrat im Bundesinnenministerium, untermauerte diese Angaben. Bei einer Ausschusssitzung im Bundestag sagte er, es "ist allgemein bekannt, dass es Programme dieser Art" gebe. "Niemand, der sich ein wenig mit der Materie beschäftigt", könne sagen, dass er über diese Art der strategischen Aufklärung "grundsätzlich überrascht" sei.

Services to protect yourself from PRISM :

Fortunately, there's a whole cottage industry around encrypted versions of popular Internet services, most of which don't need any technical knowledge to set up and operate.
An important caveat: No encryption scheme is entirely secure, and this is the NSA, one of the most advanced signal intelligence agencies the world has ever known. If they really want to look at your email, they will.
However, your encryption scheme doesn't have to be perfect if the government is being honest about not deliberately spying on U.S. citizens. Most of these services work by encrypting data at the user level, so the company's servers that the NSA would be tapping into would only store encrypted data that they'd have to go out of their way to break. Which would be illegal, the government helpfully reminds us.
Web browsing
If knowing that Microsoft and Google might be handing over data to the government makes you distrust their "incognito" browsing, consider using Firefox. Although there's nothing in theory stopping the NSA from getting data from Mozilla Corp. the way it does from other companies, Mozilla has taken a fairly structured stand against encroachments on civil liberties in the past.
To be extra safe, use Firefox with Tor. Tor is a p2p anonymization service that makes it extremely difficult to connect your web surfing with your identity by basically bouncing your connection through a lot of intermediaries in a number of different countries. It's open source and secure enough that the government itself uses it for some applications. Tor comes with a special secure version of Firefox, and most Internet applications can be set up to route through Tor with little trouble. The one downside: this is almost assured to slow your connection down significantly.
The best alternative to Google and Bing in search is a service called DuckDuckGo, which basically got its start in response to advertising tracking services by the major search engine providers. Unlike most other search engine providers, it doesn't save any of the queries on its services, and it makes no effort to track its users. Unfortunately, that lack of data makes it not quite as good at ferreting out what you actually mean by your search, or in sorting the results to give you the most relevant items first. Nonetheless, you can usually find what you're looking for on DuckDuckGo. It just takes a deeper dive into the search engine results page than you might be used to if you don't remember what search was like before Google.
The encrypted email industry is older than some of the other encryption industries, probably because email is itself older. One of the easiest to use and most full-featured is Hushmail,which uses PGP encryption. However, Hushmail has in the past worked with the Canadian government to get emails related to a criminal case, apparently by modifying the service to capture the user's password. So caveat emptor.
There's a range of encrypted chat programs on the market, and they've had something of a renaissance recently thanks to their usage by protesters during the Arab Spring to organize, and also by the hacktivist collective Anonymous. One of the most popular and easiest to use is a program called Cryptocat, which is available for Mac, PC, Chrome, and Firefox.
Phone calls
Phone calls can be encrypted like any other form of data, making them difficult or impossible to listen in on. There's a number of services to do this, from enterprise-level solutions like Cellcrypt down to open source projects. One of the easiest to set up is RedPhone, available as an app on Android. Calls made through RedPhone are encrypted without a whole lot of fuss — although the person you're calling does have to also have the app installed. It's also not yet available for iOS.
File storage/syncing
While Dropbox is not (yet) cooperating with PRISM, Google and its Google Drive service is.A good alternative is Tresorit, an encrypted cloud file syncing and storage service. Tresorot works very similarly to Dropbox, letting you designate folders on your computer that are synced into the cloud and can then be accessed anywhere the client is installed. The difference is that they are encrypted before they're stored on Tresorit's servers, meaning that no one can access your files but you. Tresorit gives you 5 GB of free storage, which puts it in line with the lower end of storage options.
Social Networking
Social networking is kind of difficult because switching to a more secure service means making all of your friends switch too. Services do exist, however. There's Pidder, a German service that's fairly full featured, anonymous and secure. There's also FoWL, short for Friends of Wikileaks, an encrypted social network started by and mostly for supporters of the internet whistleblower site. For extreme security, consider a p2p social network like Masque. Since there's no central server, this is probably the most tamper-proof option, although it does require everyone you're networking with to install the client on their computer.

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