Europe between past and future

Jun 24, 2013

Mr. Edward Snowden is at any safe place now /Statement Wikileaks

May the power be on your side.

Thank NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

Our country is in the midst of a struggle between the growing surveillance state and our precious civil liberties. Now a whistleblower has boldly stepped forward to expose the National Security Agency’s vast spying on our phone records and online communications.

Explaining his actions, the 29-year-old computer expert said: “I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."
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We thank Edward Snowden for his principled and courageous actions as a whistleblower, informing the public about vast surveillance by the National Security Agency that undermines our civil liberties.

We just got the information that Mr. Edward Snowden is
at any safe place now!

We will go on to inform you by this website.

We have the hardware on us to, when within range, remotely deactivate DEVGRU's musculo-enhancing exoskeletons

We spotted a man by the appearance of the berating, provocateur "Professor" account tailing us in the Moscow Airport.

Edward Snowden ‏@EJosephSnowden
People of Ecuador, I can hear you. Can you hear me?
Have a look also to the following statement:

Statement From Baltasar Garzón

Monday July 24, 12:51 BST

Port-au-Prince (Haiti) 23 July 2013
This serves to inform that Mr. Edward Snowden has requested my legal advice. However, before making any decision in this regard I have requested more information that will allow me to study and assess the case in depth as well as to speak to Mr. Snowden. Therefore, I do not currently represent Mr. Edward Snowden. I do defend the right of freedom of expression and freedom of information. The same rights I defend in the Assange and WikiLeaks cases and in other cases where the release of information that reveals criminality is met with the persecution of those who expose it.
Baltasar Garzón
Director of ILOCAD SL Law Firm.
[spanish below]
Puerto Principe, Haití,23/06/13
Informo que he sido contactado de parte del señor Snowden, para contar con el correspondiente asesoramiento jurídico. Ante ello, antes de decidir al respecto, he solicitado se me facilite la información necesaria para > conocer el caso y poder hablar con el interesado. Una vez hecho ello tomare una decisión. Por tanto, al día de hoy no represento los intereses del Sr. Snowden. Todo ello, sin perjuicio de la defensa de los derechos de libertad de información y de expresión que defendemos en el caso de Julian Assange y WL y en todos aquellos casos en los que se confronte la información y el descubrimiento de hechos delictivos frente a quienes persigan a los que lo realicen.
Baltasar Garzón Socio
Director del Despacho de abogados ILOCAD SL

Quito – Edward Snowden je "zdráv a v bezpečí" a je v kontaktu s právníky, tvrdí to zakladatel WikiLeaks Julian Assange z exilu na ekvádorském velvyslanectví v Londýně. Snowden právě Ekvádor žádá o azyl. Bývalý technik amerických tajných služeb, který vyzradil tisku informace o tajném programu sledování telefonátů a internetu Prism, je ve Spojených státech obviněný ze špionáže. V současnosti se údajně ukrývá v Rusku, odkud má přitom zamířit právě do Ekvádoru. Kauza by mohla narušit rusko-americké vztahy.Podle Assange, který Snowdenovi pomáhá s žádostí o azyl, nyní bývalého technika doprovází zástupkyně serveru WikiLeaks Sarah Harrisonová. "Současný stav pana Snowdena a paní Harrisonové - jsou zdraví a v bezpečí. Jsou oba v kontaktu s právnickými týmy," řekl Assange na konferenci, kterou svolal na ekvádorské ambasádě v Londýně, kde se již několik měsíců ukrývá.Assange také informoval, že uprchlík má v plánu "přes Rusko a další státy" dorazit do Ekvádoru. "Nemohu vám dát ale více informací o tom, kde se nyní nachází," řekl. Snowdena neviděl žádný novinář už déle než 24 hodin, od nedělního příletu z Hongkongu do Moskvy.

Miss Sarah HarrisonSarah Harrison is a UK citizen, journalist, and legal researcher who is currently working with the WikiLeaks Legal Defense team led by former Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon.
Miss Harrison has worked on important investigative projects that have uncovered serious human rights violations and aspects of the global surveillance industry in her capacity as a journalist and section editor for WikiLeaks, and as an investigative researcher for The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Centre for Investigative Journalism.
Miss Harrison is seen here in video launching WikiLeaks’ Syria Files at the Frontline Club in London, on 5 July 2012:
Miss Harrison has courageously assisted Mr. Snowden with his lawful departure from Hong Kong and is accompanying Mr. Snowden in his passage to safety.

LAST NEWS, 19.08hrs CET:

It seems that "Vodafone" and "British Telecommunications (BT"
had been helping British secret service GCHQ by using 
spy programme TEMPORA !

About project "TEMPORA" :
Mastering the internet: how GCHQ set out to spy on the world wide web
Project Tempora – the evolution of a secret programme to capture vast amounts of web and phone dataThe memo was finished at 9.32am on Tuesday 19 May 2009, and was written jointly by the director in charge of GCHQ’s top-secret Mastering the Internet (MTI) project and a senior member of the agency’s cyber-defence team.The internal email, seen by the Guardian, was a “prioritisation and tasking initiative” to another senior member of staff about the problems facing GCHQ during a period when technology seemed to be racing ahead of the intelligence…
it starts spreading…….
“Protective Threat Management System” (PTMS) project will transform the aging Protective Research Information System Management (PRISM-ID) system to a modernized, agile application. The success of this modernization effort will greatly enhance agents’ ability to respond rapidly to threats by increasing the accuracy and availability of matching identities through improved search capability, and allow the USSS to move the existing applications off the mainframe and into a server/web based environment.”
Project Tempora – the evolution of a secret programme to capture vast amounts of web and phone data
British spy agency reportedly taps into fiber-optic cables to intercept web data
Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been reportedly tapping into fiber-optic lines to intercept and store massive amounts of data flowing across the web, including emails, posts on social media sites like Facebook, video chats and calls, and records of what websites the public is visiting, according to a new report from The Guardian. The spying program is called TEMPORA, and about 850,000 people at the GCHQ have access to the stored data, which is reportedly also shared between the UK and the National Security Agency (NSA), the US spy organization behind the alleged surveillance program PRISM.
UK Spy Agency Allegedly Taps Into Transatlantic Cables To Collect Data, Pays Companies For Cost Of Cooperation

Liberty group steps up pressure on GCHQ to come clean

A CIVIL liberties group has heaped further pressure on the Government to come clean over claims that GCHQ is monitoring vast quantities of private information.
Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti yesterday called on Prime Minister David Cameron to tell MPs how the alleged data harvesting could be justified.
Ms Chakrabarti said: "Revelations of blanket surveillance of the British public on such a scale amount to a huge scandal even by the standards of recent years.
"At the very least, the Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary should appear before the House of Commons immediately to explain how this was justified without clear legal authority or parliamentary debate."
Claims about GCHQs secret access to information carried on high speed fibre optic cables follow a leak from US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who is now on the run.
It has been reported GCHQ, the UK's eavesdropping agency, and the NSA have been monitoring vast quantities of communications between innocent people as well as targeted suspects, including phone calls, the content of email messages, Facebook entries and a user's internet history, as part of an 18-month long operation known as Tempora.
Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary, wrote to Foreign Secretary William Hague at the weekend seeking assurances that Scots law had not been breached.
Meanwhile, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the Tory chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, said he wants a written report from GCHQ about the claims.
Former Foreign Office minister David Davis said reports GCHQ lawyers told US counterparts there was a "light oversight regime" in Britain compared with America were "worrying".
A GCHQ spokeswoman said: "We do not comment on intelligence matters. Our intelligence agencies continue to adhere to a rigorous legal compliance regime. GCHQ are scrupulous in their legal compliance."
Earlier this month MSP Margo MacDonald sought assurance from the UK's Security Service that MI5 spies would not interfere in the independence referendum.

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